Tendonitis Treatment

Southern Delaware Foot & Ankle Offers Expert Tendonitis Care


Southern Delaware Foot & Ankle specializes in high-quality tendonitis treatment in Millsboro & Seaford, DE. Since 2000, our practice has prioritized helping our patients put one foot in front of the other with expert care. The physicians on our team are trained to educate every individual they treat, aiding in proper and thorough healing for all foot and ankle cases. No service is too difficult for us to handle, and we also offer premier surgical treatment when needed. Contact us for questions or to schedule an appointment.


What Is Tendonitis?


Tendonitis is a general term that means inflammation of the tendon. A tendon is a thick, cable-like tissue that connects a bone to a muscle. This condition can happen anywhere in the body and is one of the most common musculoskeletal pain sources. Typical areas affected include the shoulders, elbows, knees, heels, and wrists. When a tendon is inflamed, it causes pain, swelling, and discomfort. 

Understanding Tendonitis - Treatment at Southern Delaware Foot & Ankle

What Are the Causes of Tendonitis?


There are hundreds of tendons throughout your body. A few areas are mainly affected by tendonitis due to fewer blood vessels, which leads to a lack of blood flow. This hinders healing after injury. Certain activities like at-home tasks, work, or sports can cause tendonitis. Learn more about the causes of tendonitis, which may include:

  • Repetitive Activity – The overuse of certain motions, especially in sports, can create irritation that leads to tendonitis. Pitching a baseball, serving a tennis ball, or dancing techniques all are factors. Poor exercise movements can also cause strain over time.
  • Diseases – Conditions such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and joint deterioration with age are potential causes of tendonitis.
  • Smoking – Smoking cigarettes can decrease the circulation in your lower extremity. The harmful effects of nicotine make individuals more prone to the condition.

What Are Common Tendonitis Symptoms?


It is common for tendonitis to develop with sudden pain and inflammation. You may ask yourself, "why does the top of my foot hurt?" If you are experiencing pain where your shoelaces sit on your foot, this could be a sign of tendonitis. Sometimes some symptoms will be evident in leading to a diagnosis. Specific movements or noises also indicate that a problem is present. Any of the following tendonitis symptoms should be a sign to call our office:

  • Swelling of the tendon
  • Tendon is tender to the touch
  • Pain when moving
  • Cracking sensation when joint moves
  • Lump or bulge on tendon
  • Stiffness from swelling

How Is Tendonitis Successfully Diagnosed?


The diagnosis of tendonitis is usually made after a thorough physical examination to locate the affected area. If they feel it's needed, an X-ray or MRI may be ordered for additional information.  X-rays are beneficial for ruling out any injury to bones. An MRI reflects images of both soft tissue and bones.


How to Treat Tendonitis and Maybe Even Prevent It


There are measures to take for the prevention of tendonitis. If you are an athlete, warming up thoroughly before a practice or game will prepare the bones, muscles, and ligaments for physical activity. Stretching and strengthening are also helpful to prevent issues. Learning how to work out or use equipment properly will prevent unwanted injury. If you are performing daily tasks, a strength and flexibility routine can keep you functioning and performing pain-free. There are several options for how to treat tendonitis, such as:

  • Limiting Activity – Resting the injured tendon is the best way to aid in complete healing.
  • Reducing Inflammation – Icing your foot is beneficial in reducing swelling and inflammation. If needed, ibuprofen or a different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be taken.
  • Rehabilitation – Sometimes, wearing a brace or splint can help immobilize and relieve pressure on the affected tendon. Your doctor may order physical therapy to stretch and exercise the tissue.
  • Steroid Injections or Surgery – In some cases, injections or surgery provide the fullest relief and healing.

Entrust Us With High-Quality Tendonitis Treatment


You may ask yourself, "how long does tendonitis last?" At Southern Delaware Foot & Ankle, we highly value your time and quality of life. Our goal is to provide efficient treatment to our patients so they can resume regular activity as soon as possible. Let us be your trusted source when contacting a foot and ankle specialist. Call us today to schedule an appointment for tendonitis treatment!



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