How to Treat Heel Spur in Millsboro & Seaford, DE

Your Solution to Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms in Millsboro!

Heel Spur Treatment Experts at Southern Delaware Foot and Ankle

Heel pain can be frustrating and debilitating. If you're suffering from persistent pain at the bottom or back of your heel, you might be dealing with a heel spur. Located in Millsboro, DE, and Seaford, DE, Southern Delaware Foot and Ankle is dedicated to guiding you through every aspect of heel spurs, from understanding the condition to exploring effective treatment options. Here's what you need to know.

What Is A Heel Spur?

Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of the foot? It's an intricate part of our body that faces various challenges. One such issue is a heel spur. Think of it as a small, bony bump that grows on the bottom or back of your heel bone. It's like a tiny mountain that appears due to continuous strain or stress on the foot's muscles and ligaments. Imagine stretching an elastic band repeatedly; it might get little tears. The same thing happens to the protective layer around the heel bone, causing it to tear.


The Connection with Plantar Fasciitis

But here's an interesting twist! Many people who have these heel spurs also show symptoms of another foot problem called plantar fasciitis. It's a condition where the bottom of the foot hurts, especially in the heel area. Now, while these bony bumps, or heel spurs, are found in patients with plantar fasciitis, they aren't always the main villains causing the pain. However, when the two conditions are present together, the pain can be more intense. It's like when two naughty kids team up; they might cause a little more trouble together!


What Causes Heel Spurs?

Heel spurs can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. But what exactly triggers their formation? Heel spurs can develop for various reasons, including:

 ● Walking gait abnormalities, which place excessive stress on the heel bone and soft tissues attached to it.

 ● Running or jogging on hard surfaces.

 ● Wearing poorly fitted or worn-out shoes.

 ●Obesity or carrying excess weight.

 ● Conditions like plantar fasciitis which causes the plantar fascia ligament to stretch and strain.

Recognizing the Signs of a Heel Spur

Are you familiar with those sharp heel pains that come out of the blue, especially when you're walking or jogging? That could be a sign of a heel spur. But here's the surprising part: not everyone with a heel spur feels this pain! Sometimes, they don't even know they have it until they see it on an X-ray meant for something else entirely. Now, if you're wondering what to look out for, here are a few of the warning signs:

  ● Occasional or constant pain when you're walking, jogging, or running.

  ● Swelling and redness at the front part of your heel.

Those typical plantar fasciitis symptoms, like the pain at the bottom of the heel which feels worse when you wake up or after you've been standing for a long time.



man with severe Heel pain

Heel Spur Treatment Options

Treatment for heel spurs varies based on the severity of the pain and the spur's size. At Southern Delaware Foot and Ankle, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive heel spur treatment tailored to each individual's needs.

 ● Physical Therapy: Special exercises can help relieve the pain and inflammation. Strengthening exercises and stretches can prevent further issues.

 ● Shoe Recommendations: Wearing shoes with shock-absorbing soles and proper arch support can prevent and alleviate discomfort.

 ● Orthotic Devices: Custom-made orthotics can help distribute pressure to your feet more evenly.

 ● Anti-inflammatory Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatories can help reduce pain and swelling.

 ● Cortisone Injections: For persistent pain, these injections can offer relief.

What Is Heel Spur Surgery?

In cases where conservative treatments don't provide relief, surgery might be an option. Heel spur surgery involves removing the spur and releasing tension from the soft tissue structures. It's essential to discuss with a podiatrist whether surgery is the best option for you.

What Is Heel Spur Recovery?

Post-surgery, most patients wear a bandage or cast to protect the foot. It might take a few weeks to resume regular activities fully. Physical therapy is often recommended to restore strength and mobility. With expert guidance and plantar fasciitis treatment, you can get back on your feet faster, and with fewer complications.

Take The Next Step with Southern Delaware Foot and Ankle

Are you or someone you know struggling with heel pain? Prioritize your foot health with our experienced team in Millsboro, DE, and Seaford, DE. From understanding the basics of heel spurs to advanced heel spur treatments, we've got you covered. Don't let pain slow you down. Schedule an appointment with us today and step into a pain-free tomorrow! Your feet deserve the best, and we're here to provide just that.

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